Apartment Bins for Refugees
Drawing a connection between Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and modern-day refugee families is not difficult. The Holy Family was forced to flee their homeland and nowadays families are leaving due to war, persecution, violence, and fear in their home countries.
Starting this Advent season, Augustana is partnering with Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains (LFSRM) to provide Apartment Bins for Refugees. By providing these Apartment Bins for families, we are helping a family save precious funds. When LFSRM doesn’t get these items donated, they have to purchase them using money that LFSRM would otherwise use for that family’s deposit, rent, and utilities.
Sign up here for as many items as you can provide. Augustana’s Amy King will contact you via email once an apartment bin is completed to coordinate a date to bring the items to Augustana.
Our goal is to provide five completed Apartment Bins by the end of December. One completed bin has already been purchased by CAN Ministry. Once an entire bin is provided, the form will be reset and we will begin collecting for a new bin. Please include only new items from places such as WalMart, the Dollar Tree, Target, etc.
If you would like to instead provide a monetary donation toward the purchasing of these items, please donate via the Augustana Refugee Family Support link, or by check payable to Augustana Lutheran Church with “Refugee Apartment Bins” on the memo line.
Have a group outside Augustana that is looking for a Christmas project? This could be a great fit for your book club, bridge club, bowling league, or other organization to support.
Thank you for helping a refugee family by donating basic items and goods!
The Angel Tree is now the Home-for-Christmas Tree!
This year, Augustana’s Children, Youth, and Family Ministry supports CAN Ministry’s efforts to collect items for Apartment Bins for Refugees! Visit the Home-for-Christmas Tree in Fellowship Hall, and choose an ornament with an item needed to help Children, Youth, and Family Ministry fill two Apartment Bins. Return items and ornaments to the Home-for-Christmas Tree in Augustana’s Fellowship Hall by Sunday, December 31.