There’s something for everyone at Augustana this Advent!
On this page find devotional resources and classes, caroling, concerts, and arts & crafts for people of all ages!
Pick up a devotion book for Advent
Advent starts December 3! Prepare by getting your devotion book. Copies of Come, Emmanuel will be available at Sanctuary entrances starting Sunday, November 19. This booklet contains a brief daily scripture, quote, story, and prayer to deepen in faith from Advent through Epiphany (January 6, 2024). Your gifts to the church make it possible to provide these devotionals at no charge. You may also order an ebook version from
Advent Adventure is December 3
Augustana hosts Advent Adventure for people of all ages, Sunday, December 3, following 10:30 a.m. worship until 2 p.m. Enjoy arts and crafts, a taco bar lunch, and a time to connect over lefse and Christmas goodies. There will be a table where you can bring gently used toys, puzzles, books and games for others to take home or to regift as Christmas presents. Plan now to join this beloved multigenerational Augustana tradition!
Adult Forum
Sundays, December 3, 10, and 17, 9:15 a.m., Anna Paulson Room
“A December Twist”
Pastor Caitlin will lead a three-week series that reflects on the infant Jesus’ body in the Christmas story, the body of Christ as a body of its own, and the last year of Augustana’s life together including Pastor Caitlin’s cancer story. This is a time to pause in the current moment while we wonder about the past and dream with hope about the future. December twists together the end of the monthly calendar year and the beginning of the church year in Advent. It’s a good time to pause and reflect. Come join the conversation.
60+ Ministry Advent Study
Mondays, December 4, 11, and 18, 11 a.m.–noon, Anna Paulson Room
At the invitation of 60+ Ministry, Pastor Caitlin will repeat her Adult Forum reflections. Come and join the conversation.
Christmas Caroling
People of all ages and voices are invited to Christmas Carol, Saturday, December 9. We will meet in Anna Paulson Room at 9 a.m. to receive caroling lists and directions and depart at 9:10 a.m. We will plan to arrive back at the Anna Paulson Room by 11:30 a.m. to share a pizza lunch.
RSVP to Shanna at 303-388-4678 ext. 107 or by email by December 6 to plan for food and caroling routes.
Annual Augustana Christmas Concert
Augustana Arts and Augustana Lutheran Church present “Christmas at Augustana,” Friday, December 8, 7 p.m. in Augustana’s Sanctuary. Enjoy an evening of seasonal music performed by Augustana’s Chancel Choir, Augustana Vocal Ensemble, Cantabile, Augustana Ringers, and Chamber Orchestra.
A freewill offering will support Augustana’s Music Ministry.
Reservations are helpful at