Pastor Ann Hultquist
The people of Augustana Lutheran Church welcomed their new senior pastor, Ann Hultquist, at her service of installation, Sunday, April 24. Bishop Jim Gonia of the Rocky Mountain Synod preached and performed the installation rite. Click here to read his sermon about classic Lutheranism and “Both/And” ministry, including references to Augustana’s mission statement. Around 150 people including 20 processing pastors attended the afternoon worship service and the reception that followed. In honor of Pastor Ann’s installation and to symbolize how Augustana will continue to grow together, a tree will be planted in Augustana’s courtyard.
Back row from left: Paul Gilbertson (retired), Matthew Bolz-Weber (Holy Love, Aurora), Russ Britten (Bethany, Cherry Hills Village), Nathan Doerr (St. Philip, Littleton), Mark Peterson (Bethlehem, Longmont), Judith VanOsdol (ELCA Director for Evangelical Mission), Todd Hawkins (Augustana), John Bengtson (retired).
Middle row: Keith Long (retired), Ron Swenson (retired), Keith Prekker (Interim, Atonement, Lakewood), Kristi Beebe (Nativity, Commerce City), Kathy Armstrong (Cross of Christ, Broomfield), Caitlin Trussell (Augustana).
Front row: Bishop Jim Gonia, Kari Reiquam (Atonement, Boulder), Dee Watson (retired), Julie Brooks (Saron, Strasburg), Ann Hultquist (Augustana), Teri Schjang (New Beginnings Worshiping Community)