Deadline: Sunday, July 10
Backpacks for LFSRM Foster Care and Refugee Children
Thank you for supporting the mission of Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains to provide our children in foster care and our refugee kids with new backpacks and school supplies to start a successful school year.
Here is the list of items for Augustana’s goal to fill 25 backpacks (Middle School / Male)! Gift cards—(Walmart or Target)—are always a huge help to fill the last missing items.
- Use the attached tag to label all backpacks with the appropriate age group/gender. (Note: the tags are best attached to the backpack’s top handle for consistent identification.)
- Buy exactly what is specified on the lists, or simply provide gift cards for the items (Walmart and Target are best), as any additional or differing items are very hard to distribute in an operation of this size.
- Finally, due to the extremely short staffed operation, the extremely high volume of backpacks in need of distribution, and the earlier school-year start in many counties, the deadline for contributions is Sunday, July 10. Please leave your items or completed backpack in Fellowship Hall. Thank you!