Get behind Undie Sunday!
Coming soon to an altar near you—diapers and pads and undies—OH MY! And new this year, Personal Care Kits for refugees too! Augustana’s CAN Ministry will host its third annual Undie Sunday, February 6–27, accompanying people of all ages with their unseen needs in a visible way.
We are asking for donations of:
- Kid-sized underwear, diapers, and wipes for Foster Source
- Feminine hygiene pads or tampons for Ruby’s Market for refugees (served by Lutheran Family Services) and George Washington High School’s food pantry
- Personal Care Kit items or completed kits for Lutheran World Relief
Items may be brought to the communion altar February 6–27. You may even order items online and have them delivered to: Attn: Undie Sunday, Augustana Lutheran Church, 5000 E. Alameda Ave, Denver, CO, 80246.
Thank you for supporting Undie Sunday!