Together in Jesus Christ we are freed by grace to live faithfully, witness boldly and serve joyfully.
“God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday, September 8, is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)—one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.
Operation Pantry
Operation Pantry for “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday, September 8
This will be our Tenth Annual Rice and Beans Event for “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday!
Join us in Fellowship Hall between Sunday, September 8, 9:15–10:15 a.m., when we will again repackage over two tons of dried rice and beans into two-pound portions. These important food staples will be donated to Metro Caring’s no cost, nutritious foods market. Not only will you help feed our neighbors in need, but you will enjoy wonderful fellowship with other Augustana members and friends of all ages.
You will be a part of a small miracle as the 4,000+ pounds of food are repackaged in under an hour! We start at 9:15 a.m. and are finished and cleaned up by 10:15 a.m., but we rely on your hands doing God’s work.
Thanks for your gifts for rice and beans!
You can also support this project by contributing toward the purchase of rice and beans by check or online. Make checks payable to Augustana Lutheran Church and indicate Rice/Beans in the memo line. You may also make an in-kind contribution of basmati rice and/or lentils.