Home Communion
Home communion visits are available for home-centered folks. Please call Augustana’s office (303-388-4678) to request a home communion visit, and one of our Care Team members will be in touch.
Home communion visits are available for home-centered folks. Please call Augustana’s office (303-388-4678) to request a home communion visit, and one of our Care Team members will be in touch.
Bulletin assemblers meet Friday mornings, 11 a.m. in the Ammerman Library for 1 to 1½ hours to prepare the Sunday bulletins for worshipers. Volunteers may work as little as once a month to as often as once a week depending on their own preferences and availability. Other assembly times are scheduled as needed to accommodate Holy Week, Easter, and Christmas worship.
If you’re interested in helping assemble Sunday bulletins, contact Publications Administrator Lyn Goodrum at 303-388-4678 ext. 114 or by email.
The Tower newsletter is assembled monthly, usually on a Tuesday, 1 p.m. in Rooms 4–5. (Occasionally, assembly day is changed to accommodate holidays or special events.) A crew of 4 works for about an hour, collating, folding, sealing, and addressing the newsletter. Prayer and refreshments are routinely part of this ministry.
If you’re interested in helping prepare The Tower newsletter, contact Publications Administrator Lyn Goodrum at 303-388-4678 ext. 114 or by email.
This national ministry combines caring for others and the ancient art of knitting into a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace, as well as in celebration and joy. They meet just outside the John W. Cowee Health Ministry Office, September through May, on the first Sunday of the month, 11:45 a.m. You are invited to join us anytime.
Seniors, along with Augustana members and friends of all ages, are encouraged to serve as greeters, newsletter assemblers, ushers, Communion assistants, and in many other ways.
Contact Administrator of Volunteer Ministry and Building Use Julie MacDougall at 303-388-4678 or by email.