You may have noticed that Augustana Early Learning Center’s playground improvement project has broken ground. Two years ago, after a state licensing board visit, AELC was told that it needed to improve its playground surface for safety. As a result, we chose to do a comprehensive review to determine how best to safeguard the children. This includes expanding the playground by bumping out the current area where the buses are parked to allow an uninterrupted view of the entire playground by teachers; improving the drainage to remove wet, potentially icy areas; putting down new surface under play equipment; installing new, higher fencing so people cannot reach over it or easily climb it; and, improving the gating for emergency exiting from the building.
During construction, parking in the upper section of Augustana’s south lots will be closed during the week; it will be open for Sunday morning services — but with restrictions. Construction is expected to last 6–8 weeks. We ask for your patience during this time.
The playground, though used mostly by the pre-school children, may also be used by Sunday school, nursery, and Bible school students, so this project will benefit both the church and the Early Learning Center. Replacing the fencing will also improve the appearance of the area while increasing child and building security. The projected cost is $173,000 and is supported by multiple funding sources, although fundraising to reduce the loan amount continues. Your use of King Soopers gift cards, designation of Thrivent Choice dollars, or direct donations through the church are welcome. If you have any questions, contact Augustana’s Early Learning Center (303-388-7012).