Augustana offers online Holy Week and Easter worship on our Worship and Facebook pages.
- Maundy Thursday, 7 p.m.
- Good Friday, noon
- Resurrection of Our Lord, Easter Sunday, 9 a.m.
Although we can’t be together in-person, we can be together online on Easter Sunday, April 12 at 9 a.m. Our modified worship that morning will include special music from AVE, a sermon, and the opportunity to receive Holy Communion in your home. We won’t be adding this to our Sunday worship on a regular basis, but for Easter, we will celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and share this bread and cup of blessing.
You will need to have bread (any type, even crackers, if that’s all you have) and wine or juice in a glass or several glasses if your household prefers. We will share the liturgy for Holy Communion in the online worship, and you will be invited to share that meal with others in your household, or by yourself if you are alone. Even though we gather separately for now, we can be strengthened by these gifts and our community in Christ.
If you prefer to refrain from receiving the sacrament, you can still be joined with the Augustana community in this time of worship and prayer.