Augustana is one of several Lutheran churches in the world, celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, and we plan to do it big, with a hymn festival service like no other, titled “THEN + NOW + ALWAYS +.”
We will be celebrating with many hymns and hymn concertantes, along with Bach’s Cantata No. 80, A Mighty Fortress, Buxtehude’s “Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word” and the “Hallelujah Chorus”! The afternoon of Reformation Sunday, October 29 at 4 p.m. will include a full processional with all the pomp and circumstance of banners, robes and stoles, handbells, many clergy, and even the presence and participation of the bishop.
The singing will be varied—by choir alone and by the entire congregation—accompanied by orchestra, organ, handbells, brass, and timpani. Augustana’s Chancel Choir will be joined by Soli Dei Choir at Cross of Christ Lutheran in Broomfield (Pastor Ann’s last parish). A guest choir will be participating from HKBP Montclair Lutheran Church (of Indonesian heritage).
Join in the celebration! A reception will follow in Fellowship Hall.