Food and farms to help people eat
This November, Augustana’s Compassion and Action with Our Neighbors Ministry is focused on helping people and families have food. All are invited to contribute cans, coins, and checks to help families around the corner and around the world. Young and old can participate.
Read on for details!
Help buy an ELCA Good Gifts Farm
This November, Augustana’s CAN Ministry invites you to contribute to the purchase of farms, so that families around the world can have food and income. A farm includes animals, farm implements, and the educational support needed to grow and market their own food. All of this still for only $715 per farm!
Augustana is collecting donations for farms through the month of November. Make checks payable to Augustana Lutheran Church, and write FARM in the memo line, or you may contribute online here. Children are encouraged to take home a Farm Bank for coins.
This Thanksgiving, let’s give families in need a reason to give thanks for their opportunity for a fresh start in life!
Help provide Thanksgiving “Baskets” for Warren Village
Continuing Augustana’s long tradition of providing Thanksgiving dinner baskets, Augustana members and friends are invited to donate to Augustana Lutheran Church for families of Warren Village and First Step. The residents prefer gift cards so they can celebrate Thanksgiving with their own tradition, which may not include turkey and dressing!
Donations for the gift cards may be made by check to Augustana Lutheran Church (indicate “Warren Village” on the memo line), or donate online here by Sunday, November 12. Augustana purchases the gift cards for $40 each. There are 101 units for Warren Village and First Step residents. Thrivent Action Team grants will provide $500 for additional food items. Thanks for your generous support!
Warren Village and First Step provide a safe apartment, job training, and childcare for low-income single-parent families. Learn more about Warren Village at
Stock the Shelves on Thanksgiving Eve
On Thanksgiving Eve, you are invited to bring healthy canned food donations to worship for Augustana’s Sanctuary Soup Shelf and George Washington High School’s food pantry. Please choose cans with pull-tab lids if possible. If you cannot attend the Thanksgiving Eve service, but would like to contribute, bring your contributions to Augustana on Sunday, November 19.
Examples of items to bring to the altar are:
- canned meats (tuna/chicken)
- canned meals (chili, ravioli, spaghetti and meatballs, stews)
- canned soups (Progresso, Campbells)
- canned fruits (preferably packed in juice)
- canned beans (black, refried, garbanzo)
- canned vegetables
Augustana’s Sanctuary Soup Shelf, begun early in the pandemic, continues to provide nutritious canned foods to our neighbors in need.
George Washington High School’s food pantry provides support to students with specific needs that might otherwise interfere with their academic success.