Health Ministry Team considers limited 9Health Fair for Spring 2022

Augustana’s Health Ministry Team is exploring the possibility of offering a 9Health Fair exclusively for Augustana members and friends on a Sunday morning this April or May with preregistered specific time slots between 7 a.m. and 1 p.m.

The limited screenings offered would include blood draw, height, weight, body mass index, blood pressure checks, and Ask a Medical Question.

Most attendees come to a 9Health Fair to have blood tests done. Blood tests for this Sunday morning 9Health Fair would include Blood Chemistry, Hemoglobin A1C, Blood Cell Type, and more.

For a complete list of blood screenings offered, why the results matter, and their costs, download this 9Health Fair 365 Blood Screening document.

Your interest in the fair is requested

Augustana’s Health Ministry Team asks whether you would attend a 9Health Fair on a Sunday morning. This will help the team decide whether to proceed in organizing the fair. On Sundays, January 2 and 9, Augustana’s worship slips have a place for you to indicate that you would like to attend our 9Health fair. You can also use the online form below. If there is significant interest in attending, a date will be determined and plans will begin. Quest Labs requires a minimum of 50 participants to provide an onsite lab supervisor.

Indicate your interest by submitting this online form:

“Why should I have blood tests done through a 9Health Fair?”

Those with health insurance may have high deductibles, and having these blood tests done by a provider may be much more expensive than at the 9Health Fair. Those who have health insurance with Medicare may have coverage for the costs of these tests; however, physicians may not order these blood tests unless they identify a specific reason. Some abnormal results may indicate health changes without symptoms.

Augustana has been a 9Health Fair site for over 30 years. John Cowee and Calvin Ammerman were key in helping Augustana become a 9Health Fair site. Our fairs expanded to two days with attendance ranging from 400 to 800 people, and a partnership with Temple Emanuel Synagogue was established. In 2020 the 9Health Fair was canceled due to the pandemic. 9Health Fairs were held in limited sites this fall, and fairs will be expanded next spring.

Watch this page and Augustana’s publications for news about this 9Health Fair opportunity.