First Sunday of Advent Adult Forum
Sunday, November 27 | 9:15 a.m. | Anna Paulson Room
“What Child is This? Advent Wonder, Mystery and Details,” a conversation led by Pastor Caitlin. The Church Year begins on this day with new scripture choices, new devotionals, and a renewed sense of wonder. We’ll touch on Advent’s role in the church year and in our lives. Come and wonder!
Pick up your free Advent devotional!
Advent begins Sunday, November 27, so pick up your copy of Prophets & Promises at Augustana’s entrance tables. This booklet contains a brief daily scripture, quote, story, and prayer to deepen in faith during Advent. Your gifts to the church make it possible to provide these devotionals at no charge. You may also order an ebook version from
Sleepers Wake is this year’s Advent study
Facilitator Rev. Bonita Bock is a retired ELCA clergy, professor emeritus of Wartburg College West, founding director of the Urban Servant Corps in Denver, and current part-time lecturer for Active Minds in the metro area.
Adult Forum
Sundays, December 4, 11, 18
9:15 a.m.
Anna Paulson Room
Augustana member Rev. Bonita Bock leads a conversation about Sleepers Wake: Getting Serious About Climate Change for Adult Forum during Advent. You do not need to read the book to participate, although it will deepen your experience to do so. Copies are available from Augustana’s office for $15.
In Sleepers Wake, Nicholas Holtam draws on his experience as former Church of England lead Bishop for the environment to guide our spiritual and cultural transformation, so we can all do our part to preserve our world for future generations.
Split into four sections for the four weeks of Advent, these suggestions and reflective meditations about climate change and the environment are set alongside fine art paintings relevant to the season. Nick Holtam invites us to journey this Advent, not only to the manger, but to the hope of God’s kingdom come on earth, a hope that preserves, sustains, and nurtures all life.
RSVP for midweek study of Sleepers Wake
Wednesdays, November 30,
December 7, 14, and 21
9:30–10:30 a.m.
Anna Paulson Room
A second opportunity to discuss Sleepers Wake will be offered on Wednesday mornings in Advent. This is a repeat of the Advent class presented during Sunday Adult Forums for those who would prefer a weekday offering.
We are looking for a minimum of eight participants to hold this event, which is sponsored by Senior Ministry but open to everyone. If you would like to attend the midweek Advent class, sign up with Augustana’s office (303-388-4678 or
Advent Adventure
Sunday, December 4 | 11:45 a.m.–2 p.m. | Fellowship Hall
Community, crafting, live music, lefse, and Illegal Pete’s taco bar.
Bring a can or two of food for Augustana’s Sanctuary Soup Shelf.
Bring lightly used puzzles, books or games for folks to “shop.” Donations for these support Augustana’s Advent ELCA Good Gifts Farms.
Christmas Caroling
Saturday, December 10 | 10 a.m.
Carpool to locations to carol
Pizza afterwards at noon in the Anna Paulson Room
RSVP to Shanna via email by Thursday, December 8
Sponsored by Music Ministry and Children, Youth and Family Ministry