Everything you need to know about Advent and Christmas worship, ministry, and music opportunities at Augustana!
Advents wreaths at home for online worship
You are invited to prepare an Advent wreath for home to light during online Advent worship. The lighting of the wreath begins on November 29, the First Sunday in Advent. Traditionally, the candles are either blue (hope) or a combination of three purple (Christ’s kingship and penitence) and one pink (joy). However, any four candles of any color may be used—tall tapers, small votives, or something in between. Some people add a white fifth candle to light on Christmas Day.
During Advent online worship, the scripture reader will light the Advent wreath each week and invite us to pray together. You can light your own wreath during that time in worship.
Please email a picture of your home Advent Wreath, and perhaps include yourself or other household members, to be shared in Augustana’s ePistles and Facebook page. Include your name(s) to share alongside your Advent wreath photo.
May the light of Christ connect each of us to himself and to each other in this waiting time.
Let’s buy farms again this Advent!
In light of your wonderful and generous responses these last six Advent seasons, which helped many families toward food independence, our CAN ministry is again collecting special offerings between November 29 and December 24 to buy “farms” through the ELCA Good Gifts program. A farm consists of animals, seed, tools and educational training and can help a family in need have “forever food.”
You may send a check payable to Augustana Lutheran (write FARM in the memo line) or contribute online through our website. If you or your child would like to receive a barn coin bank, contact Augustana’s office (303-388-4678).
Let’s see how many farms we can buy this year to make Christmas an especially joyous event for those who will receive a fresh start in life!
Virtual Christmas Pageant
Sunday, December 20 during our online worship (available on our worship or Facebook page), you will also enjoy Augustana members and friends of all ages sharing the story of Jesus’ birth through the play Do Not Be Afraid by Illustrated Ministry. Mark your calendar to celebrate in song and story!
Christmas Eve Broadcast airs during prime time!
Thursday, December 24, 7 p.m., KOA Radio, 94.1 FM and 850 AM
Again this year, Augustana will have a Christmas Eve broadcast at 7 p.m. on KOA Radio, 94.1 FM and 850 AM. This year’s broadcast will feature a wide variety of music from Augustana’s Music Ministry, both past and present. Augustana members and friends will read scripture readings for the season, and Pastor Ann will deliver a Christmas message. We are incredibly fortunate to have been offered a wonderful prime time slot of 7 p.m. Please invite your friends and family to listen. This broadcast gives the Denver area a wonderful glimpse of Augustana!
Support the broadcast
In the past, the Augustana Foundation has helped fund this outreach ministry which costs around $1,500. More recently the congregation has reached out to support the broadcast, and now is your opportunity to do so again. If you’d like to contribute toward this broadcast, download a donation form here, send a check payable to Augustana Lutheran Church and note “KOA Christmas Broadcast.” Online donations can be made here. You can make your gift in honor or memory of a loved one, and the acknowledgement will be included in the Christmas Eve worship ePistle. Thank you!
Poinsettias to honor and remember
Augustana’s Spiritual Arts Team plans to decorate Augustana’s chancel with poinsettias for our Christmas season worship videos! You are invited to help provide poinsettias while honoring or remembering special events or loved ones. Download this donation form to indicate your preferences. Any amount is welcome. Make checks payable to Augustana Lutheran Church. You can also donate online through Augustana’s Giving page. Gifts received by Sunday, December 20, will be acknowledged in Augustana’s Christmas Eve worship ePistle.
Virtual December Concert
Since Music Ministry at Augustana is unable to have our usual December concert this year, we will have a virtual concert of music for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. This concert will feature AVE singing choral music and carols, handbell choirs, and organ music. This concert will be posted in mid-December. Details will be announced in the ePistle and on Facebook.
Sign up for the ePistle, Augustana’s weekly emailed communication, here.
Christmas Eve worship with Augustana
Christmas Eve worship will be virtual this year, so tune in to celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord complete with your Augustana Christmas favorites: poinsettias, carols, candlelight, anthems, scripture, and more. Augustana’s Christmas Eve video will be available on Augustana’s Facebook page and worship page by 3 p.m. this December 24 to view at your convenience.