Welcome! Well, the bees have been buzzing behind the scenes here at Augustana and we are very proud to announce the release of our new website!
This site an extraordinary leap forward for Augustana, allowing us to expand our online presence and ministries across a range of preexisting networks. It is the culmination of many months of work, assembling parts both new and old, and combining them in an easy-to-use and scalable format.
Before we get too far, please know that if you are currently engaged in any of Augustana’s ministries and have been desiring one or more online functions, please let us know via the new contact form. There is little in realm of “can’t do” so please give us a shout and let us hear your ideas!
In no particular order, here is a summary of front and back end enhancements
The Big Picture
- Completely rebuilt from the ground up. Up to speed with the latest best practices for code and on/off site optimization for both speed and connectivity.
- Fully responsive and viewable across all devices, regardless of screen size or resolution.
- Site is now using WordPress, a very popular and flexible content management system for scalability and ease-of-use for additional users.
- New server with solid state drives and internal email, both free for Augustana via 510c3 status. Email via Google Apps for NonProfits and hosting by Dreamhost.
New Event Calendar
- All events are now tracked 100% on the new Event Calendar.
- iPhone, Android, Mac and Google Calendar reminders, tracking and notifications are possible with all events via GCal and iCal exports.
- Events may be viewed by category (color coded), monthly, weekly, individually, etc.
- Event listing widgets placed strategically across the site
- Event-specific search
- Recurring event listings with the ability to break chains for holidays/etc.
Giving Enhancements
- Online donations are now possible with use of a credit card or Paypal, and can recur monthly, weekly, or not at all. Please note that this functionality is pending on secure page setup and should be available in approximately several days.
Email and Social Media Connectivity
- Full integration with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.
- Submission forms to join Augustana’s email newsletter, which provides briefings on upcoming events.
User Experience
- New content pages rewritten for relevancy.
- Clean navigation with ease-of-use in mind.
- Dynamic contact forms with conditional fields and selections on persons to contact.
- Augustana was fully “rephotographed” to add aesthetics to the site.
- Fully redesigned for a pleasing and eye-catching user experience.
Over time, even more features will be added and we only intend of strengthening the congregation through a series on online initiatives and ministries.
Thank you, and enjoy your visit to the new augustanadenver.org!
The new web site is magnificent! Congratulations all!