How do I request a grant?

Download grant request forms for the Augustana Foundation from the column on the right.

When are the deadlines for requesting grants?

Grant request forms must be received by January 15, April 15, July 15, or October 15, 2025 to be considered at the quarterly Foundation meetings.

For Higher Education grants, the application for the Fall Semester should be received by the last Friday in April and no later than the last Friday in July. For the Spring Semester, the application should be received by the last Friday in October.

How do I know whether my grant request has been approved?

You will be notified by the Augustana Foundation after the quarterly meetings held in February, May, August and November.

What are the Foundation’s criteria for granting requests?

The Foundation is committed to higher education grants-in-aid for Augustana families, and MIF MissionFuture4Kidz Baptismal Gifts. The Foundation also has a goal to allocate 33% of annual gifting to outreach ministries. Questions that are commonly considered include: Is the grant request seed money for a new project? How many people will the grant benefit or impact? How are additional funds being sought or leveraged? Are there funds available for the grant request?

  • Foundation funds will not, under ordinarily foreseeable circumstances, be used for what are normally considered budgeted items for cost of current operation of Augustana Lutheran Church.
  • Two-thirds of grant funds will be allocated to applications originating within Augustana Lutheran Church; 1/3 of grant funds will be allocated to applications originating outside Augustana Lutheran Church.
  • The fact that a particular ministry (e.g., Senior Ministry and Music Ministry) may have designated funds under Foundation stewardship does not mean that such ministries are precluded from applying for general fund grants.