Congregational Meeting Scheduled
Sunday, November 11, 11:30 a.m., Sanctuary
Augustana’s congregation council has decided to hold the November 11th congregational meeting immediately after the close of the 10:30 a.m. service in the sanctuary. Please mark your calendars.
Meeting action items
The congregation council hosts three opportunities for you to give input and have your questions answered before the congregational meeting:
- October 21 -Constitution changes with Paul Edstrom, Vice President
- November 4 – Budget for 2019 with Michael Graham, Treasurer
- November 11 – 2019 Budget and constitution changes with Michael and Paul
All three meetings will be in the northwest corner of Fellowship Hall Sundays, during Coffee Hour, 9:15–10:15 a.m.
Lunch after the meeting
After the general meeting on Sunday, November 11, Judy Nyquist will serve lunch in Fellowship Hall. Make reservations with Julie MacDougall at 303-388-4678 by Thursday, November 8.
The annual election of congregation council members, Rocky Mountain Synod voting members, and 2019 nominating committee members will also take place at the November 11th meeting.
Thanks for your help and participation in these important decisions.
Emmett Cruson,
President of the Congregation
Adoption of the ELCA 2016 Constitution to be voted on at meeting
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has a model constitution for all congregations. Occasionally, changes are made to the constitution that must be approved by the local congregation. These changes are mandated by the ELCA and help congregations operate with good governance. The model constitution was adopted by the Churchwide Assembly in 2016.
The revisions to Augustana’s constitution are significant in two chapters in the new model constitution. A good deal of the language mirrors our existing constitution. In many instances the changes are not significant, but rather changes in punctuation and some words here and there.
- Chapters 7 and 9 have changes that ARE significant, and I have provided those chapters with the new additions as mandated by the Synod.
- Chapter 7: “Property Ownership” would have at this time no effect on Augustana because its property is not encumbered, nor has Augustana received any property from the Rocky Mountain Synod.
- Chapter 9: The most significant addition to this chapter deals with ministers of Word and Service (i.e. Deacons). This chapter defines the parameters and authority of Ministers of Word and Service and the responsibilities of congregations who call a deacon. Augustana’s Shanna VanderWel is a Minister of Word and Service or Deacon.
Download changes to the constitution here.
The recommendation of the congregation council to the congregation is that we adopt the newly written constitution in its entirety by motion, and by a voice vote at our November 2018 congregational meeting.
Emmett Cruson, Paul Edstrom, Michael Graham, and other council members will be available between services 9:15– 10:15 a.m., Sundays, October 14 and November 4 and 11 to answer questions at Coffee Hour. We will have the revised constitution as well as our existing constitution for individuals to review.
Paul Edstrom,
Vice President