School supplies for foster/refugee children
Sarah Circle and CAN Ministry are sponsoring a collection of school supplies for Lutheran Family Services foster and refugee children. Bring your supplies to the marked boxes in Augustana’s narthex through Sunday, July 18. Here are the requested items for K–12 grades.
Download a printable list here.
- NEW backpacks
- No. 2 pencils, pink erasers
- glue sticks
- crayons, washable markers, colored pencils, dry erase markers, highlighters
- solid color pocket folders
- spiral notebooks
- ruler
- scissors
- wide-ruled paper, college-ruled paper
- composition books
- dividers, graph paper
- zippered pencil bag or box
- 3-ring binder
- organizer/planner
- protractor – compass
- simple arithmetic calculator, scientific or graphing calculator
- Kleenex box
- $25 gift card (Walmart or Target)