Augustana offers many opportunities to remember a loved one or honor a special event or person through a gift to the church.
Flowers for Worship
Consider honoring a birthday, anniversary, baptism, marriage, or the memory of a loved one by sponsoring flowers for worship. You may purchase three bouquets each week which are delivered to Augustana’s hospitalized and home-centered folks after worship. You may sponsor one or two bouquets for the Sanctuary at $60 each, one bouquet for Christ Chapel for $35, or all three bouquets for $155. For details, contact Lyn Goodrum at 303-388-4678 ext. 114 or by e-mail.
Altar Lamps
You may make a donation to the altar lamp fund, either in memory of a loved one or in honor of friends, family, or a special occasion. The cost for a whole month of candles for the Christ Chapel altar lamp is $27, while a month of candles for the Sanctuary altar lamp is $15. Your gift will be acknowledged in the Sunday bulletin the first Sunday of the month you sponsor. To sign up, contact Lyn Goodrum at 303-388-4678 ext. 114 or by e-mail.
Memorial Gifts
You may give a memorial gift on behalf of those members or friends of Augustana Lutheran Church who have died. Often times the family will designate a fund preference for memorial gifts in the service bulletin. Please note the designation in the memo section of your check, and make the check payable to Augustana Lutheran Church. If there is no designation specified, memorial gifts are categorized as “special gifts” to the congregation. If you are making a contribution to a designated party other than Augustana Lutheran Church, please send the memorial gift directly to the recipient.
Augustana Foundation
The Augustana Foundation Fund was established by action of the church in 1971. A committee of nine members are appointed and meet quarterly to review the grant requests which are submitted. These requests are for undertakings which enrich and uplift the spiritual life of Augustana, provide worthy addition or improvement to the church’s facilities, and give needed assistance or support to a worthy Christian individual, family, or enterprise.
Please click here to give a gift to the Augustana Foundation.
Library Books
The Ammerman Library at Augustana accepts and appreciates books given in honor or memory of loved ones for a variety of age groups. Appropriate donations will promote the library’s goal: to provide resources for personal and spiritual growth; provide basic resources on Christian faith, doctrine, other religions, and life and living for a variety of age groups; and provide basic materials as resources to Augustana’s committees and educational programs. For information on donating books, contact Augustana at 303-388-4678 or by e-mail.
Pentecost Garden
The Day of Pentecost is Sunday, May 28, 2023.
On the fiftieth day of Easter, on the Day of Pentecost, we celebrate the Spirit, through whom and in whom the people of God are created and recreated. In honor of Pentecost, Augustana hosts the Pentecost Garden through which you can honor and/or remember special people with a gift. Gifts are used to purchase red geraniums for Augustana’s Chancel. Any amount is welcomed. Gifts are acknowledged in the Pentecost bulletin. After Pentecost, geraniums are planted on Augustana’s grounds.
During Advent, you may give a gift in honor or remembrance of loved ones to help add poinsettias and Christmas trees to Augustana’s Chancel. Gifts are acknowledged in the Christmas bulletins. Any amount is welcomed.
Christmas Eve Broadcast on Radio KOA
On Christmas Eve Augustana broadcasts a one-hour program on radio KOA 850 AM which includes scripture, prayer, a sermon by Augustana’s senior pastor, and music from Augustana worship. Each year Augustana receives dozens of reports, acknowledgements, and thank-you notes from members and strangers who hear the broadcast at home and in the car throughout the country.
In the past few years, the Augustana Foundation has funded this outreach ministry. They invite you to join them. Any amount is welcomed. If you’d like to contribute toward this broadcast, please mail a check to Augustana Lutheran Church and note “KOA Christmas Broadcast.” You may give a gift toward the KOA Christmas Broadcast in honor or in memory of a loved one to be included in the Christmas Eve bulletins. Please include information about whom you wish to honor or remember and whom the gift is given by along with your check. Thank you!
Easter Garden
Augustana’s youth host the Easter Garden each Easter Sunday through which you can honor and/or remember special people with a gift. Information from a form available on this website during Lent or from envelopes you will find in pew pockets is included in a special Easter insert. Gifts are used to purchase lilies and flowers for Augustana’s chancel.