Help make or supply Personal Care Kits for Undie Sunday, April 7–May 5
As part of Undie Sunday, between now and May 5, Augustana’s CAN Ministry is collecting items for Personal Care Kits.
Lutheran World Relief (associated with ELCA World Hunger) distributes the kits to refugees who have fled their homes for safety or to families whose homes are destroyed by disasters. The kits contain five items for personal care: towel, bar of soap, comb, toothbrush, nail clipper. Augustana members and friends are invited to assemble PCKs or donate any of the five items. There are boxes in Fellowship Hall and the narthex to put single items for PCK assembly. Assembled kits can be placed at the communion altars.
Assembling PCKs is a great opportunity for friends and families with young children to become aware of the needs of others in the world and to share love by simply making a PCK. See details on how to make a personal care kit at