Lenten Devotional Books are here!
You may pick up Grace Unbounded pocket-size or large-print daily devotionals at Augustana’s entrance tables. They are brought to you by our adult learning ministry, so they are free for anyone who would like one. Or you can download the eBook version from AugsburgFortress.org.
Our Lenten congregational theme is Grace Unbounded, based on the book.
Worship at Augustana during Lent
You are invited to be a part of these worship opportunities at Augustana:
Ash Wednesday, March 2
Worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. in the sanctuary with Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion. Both services will be livestreamed.
Holden Evening Prayer
Wednesdays, March 9, 16, 23, 30, and April 6, 6:30 p.m. in Christ Chapel. This worship will also be livestreamed.
Holy Week
Palm Sunday, April 10
Worship at 8 a.m. in Christ Chapel and 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary. Augustana Youth will host a breakfast in Fellowship Hall between worship services.
Maundy Thursday, April 14
Worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The evening service will include First Communion for some of the children in our congregation.
Good Friday, April 15
Spoken worship at noon, and 7 p.m. worship in the sanctuary with special music by the Chancel Choir.
Easter Sunday, April 17
Worship at 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. in the sanctuary with Holy Communion and festival brass.
Visit the Lent Prayer Stations Sunday mornings
Sundays, March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3 and 10, 8 a.m.–noon, Youth Room
During the season of Lent, Augustana’s Youth Room will be specially arranged with various stations for prayer and reflection. This time will be self-paced and is open to all.
Adult Forum Lenten Series: Science, Faith, and the Theology of the Cross
Sundays, March 6, 13, 20, 27, and April 3, 9:15 a.m., Anna Paulson Room
We often hear people speak of a controversy between science and faith. Some believe science eliminates the need for faith, while others reject any science that does not conform to their faith beliefs. Perhaps both science and faith are important to our understanding of the world and our place in it. Might we find in God’s actions on the cross answers to some of the more vexing questions science may raise about the primacy of God? Come explore these questions during the Adult Forum.
- March 6: Has science pushed the primacy of God into a corner? Is God pushing back?
- March 13: What sources of knowledge do we depend upon to navigate this world we live in?
- March 20: How well do we know how science works? Does faith play a roll in the scientific process?
- March 27: What is the relationship between belief, faith, and religion?
- April 3: Theology of the Cross: can it answer the difficult questions science raises about faith?
Augustana member and facilitator Don Troike is a retired professor of biology and former certified lay worship leader in the Southern Ohio Synod (ELCA).
Chapel Prayer resumes for Lent
Mondays, March 7, 14, 21, 28, and April 4 and 11, 10:30–11:15 a.m., Christ Chapel
You’re invited into this quiet, contemplative time in Christ Chapel. A Prayer Leader will open with a prayer, and we’ll close with the Lord’s Prayer and a short blessing. A printed prayer guide will be provided, or you may bring your own prayer book(s) or simply sit with your eyes closed in the silence. Bibles are available in the pews. You may arrive and leave at any time.
Contact Pastor Caitlin for more information at 303-388-4678 ext. 115 or by email.
First Communion classes offered during Lent
Augustana will offer First Communion Classes during Lent for any child wishing to learn more about the Sacrament of Holy Communion. This class is open to any child who has not participated in communion or who has been receiving it since they were little but are at a place where they would like to learn more.
Classes will be held Sundays, March 27 and April 3, 9–10 a.m., and Thursday, April 7 in the evening. Participants will take First Communion with their families on Maundy Thursday, April 14, at the 7 p.m. worship service.
To sign up, please contact Shanna at 303-388-4678 ext. 107 or by email.
Palm Sunday Breakfast
Augustana’s youth host their annual Palm Sunday Breakfast fundraiser, April 10, 9–10:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. Bring the whole family and enjoy a variety of brunch delights! There will be no Sunday Lunch on this day. Donations support Augustana’s Youth Ministry.
Help Augustana’s Easter Garden bloom!
Support Augustana’s youth ministries with a gift to the Easter Garden. Your gift in honor or in memory of loved ones will add lilies to the celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord! The suggested contribution for each individual you wish to honor or remember is $8. Make checks payable to Augustana Lutheran Church.
Download a donation form here or envelopes in Augustana’s pew pockets. Gifts must reach Augustana’s office by Palm Sunday, April 10, to be included in the Easter Garden insert. Thank you!
4o Days of Giving through ELCA World Hunger
Compassion and Action with our Neighbor (CAN) Ministry invites you into 40 Days of Giving in Lent for ELCA World Hunger. As members of the ELCA, we are committed to pursuing a world of justice where ALL ARE FED. Our gifts to ELCA World Hunger support both domestic (U.S.) and international relief, advocacy, disaster relief, and hunger education. Almsgiving and prayer are traditional practices of Lent as we reflect on what it means to be church for the sake of the world.
More than 800 million people (1 in 9) are hungry in our world. ELCA World Hunger supports 234 sustainable development projects and health care in 57 countries. There were more than 400 ELCA hunger grants in the United States to food pantries, homeless shelters, and other projects. Our gifts both big and small give hope to God’s people.
Donate today through Augustana’s online giving portal. Your gift through Augustana will appear on your individual annual giving statement and show congregational support to our synod.