Write haiku about and during Lent!
Three lines about Lent
written in crisp haiku verse
by and for you all.
You’re invited to submit a haiku or two about Lent throughout the season of Lent. Your lines can be inspired by Lenten scripture, study, prayer, worship, experiences, impressions—anything at all about Lent.
Haiku is a 17-syllable verse form consisting of three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables—just like the first three lines of this article.
Anyone can write haiku, and we welcome submissions from folks of all ages. Use the form below to submit your haiku online, send them by e-mail, or write them legibly and submit them to Augustana’s office any time between Ash Wednesday, February 26 and Good Friday, April 10. Be sure to include your name, and if you are 18 or under, let us know your age. Haiku will be shared via Augustana’s printed and online publications.
Wondrous Love Daily Devotions for 2020
Pick up your free copy at sanctuary entrances.
This beautiful, full-color Lenten devotional highlights readings from the gospel of Matthew with 46 entries, one for each day from Ash Wednesday to Easter. Each reading is accompanied by a photo, a quote to ponder, a reflection, and a prayer. This accessible and colorful format makes it easy to incorporate a simple Christian observance into your Lenten journey.
Wondrous Love explores Jesus’ journey from baptism to the cross and the empty tomb, as depicted in Matthew (the gospel focus for 2020, year A in the Revised Common Lectionary). Jesus predicts that he will be betrayed, arrested, abandoned, and put to death, yet he continues on to Jerusalem and the cross. The wondrous love shown by Jesus on this journey guides us on our baptismal journeys and inspires us to sing, serve, and share God’s love with others.
Congregation Book for Lent!
The City is My Monastery by Richard Carter
Sue Ann and Pastor Ron Glusenkamp facilitate online discussion about The City is My Monastery, a book that many Augustana members and friends are reading this Lent. Pick up a copy of the book from Canterbury Press or Amazon (also available on Kindle). Join the Facebook group or view the discussion blog here and receive supplemental material as well as a separate, optional daily e-mail with content from Rev. Richard Carter. For information, contact Sue Ann Glusenkamp by phone at 303-388-4678 or by email.
About The City is My Monastery:
Richard Carter swapped a life of simplicity with an Anglican religious order in the Solomon Islands for parish ministry in one of London’s busiest churches, St Martin-in-the-Fields, where he serves as Associate Vicar for Mission. Seeing a need for monastic values in the center of the city, he founded the Nazareth Community. Rev. Carter shares the wisdom found in the daily life rooted in the Nazareth Community’s seven guiding principles: Silence, Service, Scripture, Sacrament, Sharing, Sabbath Time, and Staying.
Metro Caring
Lenten food pantry donations at the church are on hold, so please consider donating food directly to Metro Caring near 19th/Downing starting with this list: metrocaring.org/donate#
Also check the link for the latest on food drop hours and address.
ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving
Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving are pillars of Lenten practice. Almsgiving is understood as sacrificial giving showing care to those in need. As you journey through Lent, consider the ways in which your own gifts to ELCA World Hunger can create hope throughout the world—helping communities gain independence from poverty through community partnerships in those areas.
Consider using a coin jar on your kitchen counter and setting a specific goal amount (such as $2/day or any amount that works for your household). Or download this 40 Days of Giving Lenten Calendar. You can give your gift in an envelope marked ELCA World Hunger during worship at the offering. Or give online and designate World Hunger.