New information regarding worship and ministry gatherings
At the urging of our ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod Bishop, Jim Gonia, and the Centers for Disease Control, in-person worship services are being suspended until Sunday May 10. Obviously, if the situation changes for the better in terms of the COVID-19 virus, this can be reevaluated.
We are learning how to be the church together even though we can’t be together in one space. Visit our worship page for online worship and devotional resources.
We want to encourage you to remember that Augustana’s ministries will need your continued financial support now more than ever. You can always mail your offering to the church, make an online donation, or send a text message to 303-653-9592. Your first text message needs to include a dollar sign $ and an amount. Then just follow the prompts to complete your gift.
Activities and meetings
Most meetings and activities held at the church are also cancelled, and Augustana’s website calendar has been updated to reflect our current schedule; however, call Augustana’s office (303-388-4678) if you have questions.
Stay connected to updates
Stay up-to-date on all the news about Augustana by receiving the weekly e-Pistle and other important electronic communications from the church office. Use the form to your right.
Pastoral Care
Pastor Ann, Pastor Caitlin, and Faith Community Nurse Sue Ann are available by phone (303-388-4678) or email. Hospitals, nursing homes, and hospices request that their staff chaplains support you at the bedside as they prohibit our access into the facilities. This is a difficult reality and not ideal, but please call if your health situation changes for any reason so that we can support you by phone.
If you are on Facebook, “like” Augustana in order to see posts about the congregation and our life together.
Know someone who doesn’t use the computer?
Request USPS-delivered copies of a mini bulletin and Augustana sermons by calling Augustana’s office (303-388-4678).