Compassion and Action with our Neighbors (CAN) invites you
to participate in a Summer of Service
This summer, Augustana’s CAN Ministry is again inviting members and friends to join in a focus on volunteering.
Many people in the congregation have regular service efforts, and we want to know those as well as offer some group activities. CAN Ministry asks you to track and submit your volunteer hours this summer. We are looking to collect hours between June 1 and September 10. The service hours will be totaled and celebrated in the fall with special recognition during worship.
Submit your volunteer hours on Augustana’s worship registration slips, or use the online form below.
We will conclude the collection of volunteer hours during the Summer of Service on Sunday, September 10, which is “God’s work. Our hands.” when we repackage rice and beans for our partners at Metro Caring.
Augustana is a congregation that steps up to support our neighbors locally and across the world. Keep an eye out for additional news in the bulletins, ePistles, and the summer issues of the Tower, and use the form below to submit your Summer of Service hours online!