Summer of Service (SOS)
Augustana’s Compassion and Action with Our Neighbor Ministry invites your participation in a Summer of Service (SOS). Between June 1 and September 11, 2022, CAN Ministry asks you to track and submit your volunteer hours outside of Augustana. In the fall, these service hours will be totaled and celebrated in a special recognition during worship.
Record and share your volunteer hours and in-kind donations through the link to the right, and read on for opportunities to serve with Augustana members and friends.
Consider volunteering through these events:
Metro Caring
Tuesdays, July 12 and August 9, 5:30–7:30 p.m.
Ten spots available each day for the Metro Caring facilities at 1100 E 18th Avenue in Denver. Watch for sign-up information in the coming weeks. Volunteers need to be at least 15 years old.
Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains
School Supplies/Backpacks
Deadline for donations: Sunday, July 10
Support children in foster care and refugee kids by donating new backpacks and school supplies to start off their school year. (Click here for instructions and lists.) When you donate in-kind items, please record these on the Summer of Service online form or worship slip.
Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver/Holy Hammers
Saturdays, July 23, August 20, September 17 | 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Help build Habitat for Humanity homes at the Aria Homes site! Each date offers space for 10 volunteers. Sign up online at least two weeks in advance of each date through this link:
Augustana Sanctuary Soup Shelf donations
In the summer, food donations can fall off a bit, so we invite you to donate hearty soups, canned fruit, canned chicken and tuna to the Soup Shelf. When you donate in-kind items, please record these on the Summer of Service online form or worship slip.
“God’s work. Our hands.”
Sunday, September 11, 9:15 a.m. at Augustana
Help repackage rice and beans between services for our partners at Metro Caring. This Sunday will serve as the end of our Summer of Service focus.