Thanksgiving Eve Community Worship
After last year’s hiatus, Thanksgiving Eve Community worship is back on Wednesday, November 24, 7 p.m. in the sanctuary. This year we are excited to welcome a guest preacher, The Rev. Barbara Berry-Bailey from St. Paul Lutheran in Denver. Folks from St. Paul will join us for worship, the Chancel Choir will be singing, and everyone is invited to join in the 42nd Annual Pie Fest in Fellowship Hall following worship.
An offering will be received for ELCA World Hunger, and worshipers are also invited to bring cans of chili as the Chili Challenge will conclude that evening. And bring a pie, too!
The Rev. Barbara Berry-Bailey preaches Thanksgiving Eve!
Augustana and St. Paul Lutheran Church partnered for Thanksgiving Eve worship over several years. We’re grateful to do so again and welcome The Rev. Barbara Berry-Bailey as the preacher for the evening along with worshipers from the St. Paul congregation.
Rev. Berry-Bailey, a fifth-generation Lutheran baptized into the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, was ordained into the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in 1992. She enjoyed a career in public broadcasting including National Public Radio in Washington, D.C., before entering the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia.
Prior to serving as Lutheran Pastor at St. Paul Lutheran in Denver, CO, she served congregations in Utah, Pennsylvania, and Chicago. While a Pastor of Faith Lutheran Church in Chicago, she also served as Manager for Relationships in East and Southern Africa in the Global Mission unit of the ELCA Churchwide Office.
Rev. Berry-Bailey has written for several Lutheran publications. She has also appeared as featured preacher on “The Protestant Hour” and “Thirty Good Minutes of Television” and hosted the 2004 Christmas Eve telecast “This Holy Night” on CBS.