For more information on these ministry opportunities, contact Augustana’s office at 303-388-4678 or by email.

Worship Ministries

Acolytes and Crucifers

Adults and youth have the opportunity to help facilitate worship at Augustana by carrying the cross, Bible, torches, and assisting in worship. This special opportunity to be part of the worship service is facilitated on a monthly rotation under the guidance of  Director of Youth and Family Ministry, Shanna VanderWel.

For information, contact Augustana at 303-388-4678 or by email.

Altar Guild

This group of men and women serve Augustana by caring for the altar furnishings and vestments. Each team of four people works for an hour on Saturday mornings for two months of the year, preparing Christ Chapel and the Sanctuary for worship. Four quarterly evening meetings provide study, planning, and fellowship.

Bus Drivers

Augustana provides transportation to and from the 10:30 a.m. worship service every Sunday morning. The van picks up at Windsor Gardens, Springbrook, and Dayton Place. Drivers are scheduled one Sunday a month. If you would like to ride the church bus, contact Augustana’s office at 303-388-4678.

Communion Preparation

This ministry takes place in the Sacristy on Sunday morning before the worship service begins. The team prepares the bread and wine to be served to the congregation during communion every Sunday before 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. worship and on festival days. At the close of worship, the team puts away the elements and washes all of the communion ware in readiness for the next Lord’s Supper. Each team serves approximately six times a year.

Communion Assistants

Volunteers work as part of the teams that assist the pastors in serving communion every Sunday morning for 8 a.m. worship in Christ Chapel and 10:30 a.m. worship in the sanctuary. Each family or individual serves approximately six times a year.


If you enjoy meeting people with a friendly smile, you may want to become part of the greeter ministry. Greeters are often the first people members and visitors meet at the beginning worship. The time commitment is minimal, but it can make a lasting impression.

Prayer Leaders

Congregational members lead the Prayers of Intercession during worship at both the 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. worship. The prayer leader writes the prayers with the names for healing and deaths provided by Augustana’s office. Commitment would be approximately every six weeks.

Scripture Readers

Congregational members read the lessons of the day during worship services at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. worship. The lessons are mailed a month or two in advance.

Spiritual Arts Committee

Do you have an eye for beauty and enjoy design? The Spiritual Arts Committee plans ways to enhance the worship space for the different church seasons and festival days throughout the year.


Augustana is looking for ushers to welcome worshipers, distribute bulletins, assist with collecting the offering, and guide people to communion. After worship, they collect attendance information and pick up items left in the pews. Ushers are scheduled once a month as part of a team for 8 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. worship They are also scheduled for festival days when there are more than two services.

Hospitality and Service

Funeral Receptions

Families of members often plan receptions at Augustana following the funeral of a loved one. A dedicated group of individuals’ staff these receptions, prepare light food, serve and clean up.

Home Communion

Home communion visits are available for home-centered folks. Please call Augustana’s office (303-388-4678) to request a home communion visit, and one of our Care Team members will be in touch.

Pew Attendants

The pew pockets in Augustana’s Sanctuary and Christ Chapel are attended to bi-monthly, refilling and neatening pew pockets.

Administration Ministries

Archives Committee

This committee seeks to retrieve, preserve, and present an historical record of the over 125-year history of Augustana. Many bits of memorabilia need to be organized and catalogued to keep Augustana’s memory alive.


Bulletin assemblers meet Friday mornings, 11 a.m. in the Ammerman Library for 1 to 1½ hours to prepare the Sunday bulletins for worshipers. Volunteers may work as little as once a month to as often as once a week depending on their own preferences and availability. Other assembly times are scheduled as needed to accommodate Holy Week, Easter, and Christmas worship.

The Tower newsletter is assembled monthly, usually on a Tuesday, 1 p.m. in Rooms 4–5. Volunteers work for about an hour, collating, sealing, and addressing the newsletter.

Volunteers are also needed to assist with mailings at the need arises.

For information contact Publications Administrator Lyn Goodrum at 303-388-4678 ext. 114 or by email.