Welcome to worship at 8 a.m. in Christ Chapel! Everyone is welcome to Holy Communion.
Welcome to worship at 8 a.m. in Christ Chapel! Everyone is welcome to Holy Communion.
Our always-popular intergenerational activity, repackaging rice and beans for Metro Caring, returns Sunday, January 26. If you are between the ages of 5 and 99, join us in Fellowship Hall, 9–10:15 a.m. to help divide the large 20 pounds bags into 2-pound packages. You are also invited to participate by way of donating rice, beans,…
Augustana’s Music Ministry is open to all individuals wishing to share their voice or instrument in song and praise. All of the musical groups at Augustana focus on providing music for the congregation’s worship services. Children and Youth rehearsals are Sundays before and after the 10:30 service. See the opportunities and schedule for children and…
E4 Monthly Gatherings The mission of E4 is to Enlighten, Encourage, Educate, and Empower individuals and families about mental health in a faith-based community. . . . so that we may be able to console those who are in any affliction with the consolation with which we ourselves are consoled by God. 2 Corinthians 1:4…
Adult Forum Sundays, 9:15 a.m., Anna Paulson Room You are invited to join this Sunday Faith Formation opportunity for adults of all ages. We gather in the Anna Paulson Room at 9:15 a.m. and have a wide variety of discussions and learning September through May. For details on class topics, check out our newest edition…
Faith Formation for Children and Youth Faith Formation begins Sunday, September 17, 2023 9:30–10:15 a.m. Grades PreK–4 will be part of GIFT (Growing in Faith Together) Grades 5–8 will be part of confirmation Grades 9–12 will be in Breakfast Club Find additional details and registration here.
Worship In-Person/Livestream Augustana offers worship with communion every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in Augustana's sanctuary. Augustana's nursery is available for infants through children age 5. Augustana's Chancel Choir sings most every Sunday, September through May. Livestreaming continues! Our 10:30 a.m. worship is also livestreamed. Visit our worship page for links and details.
Augustana’s Music Ministry is open to all individuals wishing to share their voice or instrument in song and praise. All of the musical groups at Augustana focus on providing music for the congregation’s worship services. Children and Youth rehearsals are Sundays before and after the 10:30 service. See the opportunities and schedule for children and…
Human Dignity Delegates meet Sunday, January 26, at 12:15 p.m. in the Anna Paulson Room to explore our desires for involvement in the public space in 2025. Bring your ideas and passions to see how we can put our faith into meaningful action. If there are books you would like to read, bring those titles…
Music Ministry offers Big Band fun this January! Sunday, January 26 | 2 p.m. | Fellowship Hall Augustana's Music Ministry hosts the John Mills Orchestra in Fellowship Hall. (February 2 at the same time is the backup date in the event of inclement weather.) The first half of this fun program gives a brief history…
Footcare Clinic Foot care with Colorado Visiting Nurse Association allows patients to receive preventative care and discuss their health with a medical professional. Our nurses build relationships with our foot care clinic patients. These repeat visits let us look at health changes over time, and we can provide referrals for physicians or support systems. To…
Augustana Firm Believers Join Karen Terry every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:45–10:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall for strengthening and stretching exercises. For regular participants who commit to one, two, or three days a week, the fee is $5/session (paid at the beginning of the month). For anyone who wants more flexibility, a 10-session class card can be…
Augustana Firm Believers Join Karen Terry every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:45–10:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall for strengthening and stretching exercises. For regular participants who commit to one, two, or three days a week, the fee is $5/session (paid at the beginning of the month). For anyone who wants more flexibility, a 10-session class card can be…
Augustana Firm Believers Join Karen Terry every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:45–10:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall for strengthening and stretching exercises. For regular participants who commit to one, two, or three days a week, the fee is $5/session (paid at the beginning of the month). For anyone who wants more flexibility, a 10-session class card can be…
Welcome to worship at 8 a.m. in Christ Chapel! Everyone is welcome to Holy Communion.
Augustana’s Music Ministry is open to all individuals wishing to share their voice or instrument in song and praise. All of the musical groups at Augustana focus on providing music for the congregation’s worship services. Children and Youth rehearsals are Sundays before and after the 10:30 service. See the opportunities and schedule for children and…
Adult Forum Sundays, 9:15 a.m., Anna Paulson Room You are invited to join this Sunday Faith Formation opportunity for adults of all ages. We gather in the Anna Paulson Room at 9:15 a.m. and have a wide variety of discussions and learning September through May. For details on class topics, check out our newest edition…
Faith Formation for Children and Youth Faith Formation begins Sunday, September 17, 2023 9:30–10:15 a.m. Grades PreK–4 will be part of GIFT (Growing in Faith Together) Grades 5–8 will be part of confirmation Grades 9–12 will be in Breakfast Club Find additional details and registration here.
Worship In-Person/Livestream Augustana offers worship with communion every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in Augustana's sanctuary. Augustana's nursery is available for infants through children age 5. Augustana's Chancel Choir sings most every Sunday, September through May. Livestreaming continues! Our 10:30 a.m. worship is also livestreamed. Visit our worship page for links and details.
Augustana Knitters This national ministry combines caring for others and the ancient art of knitting into a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace, as well as in celebration and joy. They meet just outside the John W. Cowee Health Ministry Office, September through May, on the first Sunday…
Art Captains needed for Easter Art Project We have savored the amazing liturgical art of Ken Phillips during Advent and Christmas. Now, Ken will be our “artist in residence” as we create a community art project for Easter. The art will be in the same medium as the Christmas art: fabric mosaic panels. Ken will…
Augustana’s Music Ministry is open to all individuals wishing to share their voice or instrument in song and praise. All of the musical groups at Augustana focus on providing music for the congregation’s worship services. Children and Youth rehearsals are Sundays before and after the 10:30 service. See the opportunities and schedule for children and…
Augustana Firm Believers Join Karen Terry every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:45–10:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall for strengthening and stretching exercises. For regular participants who commit to one, two, or three days a week, the fee is $5/session (paid at the beginning of the month). For anyone who wants more flexibility, a 10-session class card can be…
Augustana Firm Believers Join Karen Terry every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:45–10:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall for strengthening and stretching exercises. For regular participants who commit to one, two, or three days a week, the fee is $5/session (paid at the beginning of the month). For anyone who wants more flexibility, a 10-session class card can be…
Augustana Firm Believers Join Karen Terry every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:45–10:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall for strengthening and stretching exercises. For regular participants who commit to one, two, or three days a week, the fee is $5/session (paid at the beginning of the month). For anyone who wants more flexibility, a 10-session class card can be…
For complete obituary, visit https://www.horancares.com/obituaries/dora-fie.
Welcome to worship at 8 a.m. in Christ Chapel! Everyone is welcome to Holy Communion.
Augustana’s Music Ministry is open to all individuals wishing to share their voice or instrument in song and praise. All of the musical groups at Augustana focus on providing music for the congregation’s worship services. Children and Youth rehearsals are Sundays before and after the 10:30 service. See the opportunities and schedule for children and…
Adult Forum Sundays, 9:15 a.m., Anna Paulson Room You are invited to join this Sunday Faith Formation opportunity for adults of all ages. We gather in the Anna Paulson Room at 9:15 a.m. and have a wide variety of discussions and learning September through May. For details on class topics, check out our newest edition…
Sundays, February 9, 16, 23, 9:15–10:15 a.m., Rooms 4–5 We are offering a Discover Augustana Class for folks who either want to learn more about Augustana or are considering joining the congregation. It’s a great chance to get to know some people, too! Classes will be led by the pastors and lay ministry leaders. Please…
Faith Formation for Children and Youth Faith Formation begins Sunday, September 17, 2023 9:30–10:15 a.m. Grades PreK–4 will be part of GIFT (Growing in Faith Together) Grades 5–8 will be part of confirmation Grades 9–12 will be in Breakfast Club Find additional details and registration here.
Worship In-Person/Livestream Augustana offers worship with communion every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in Augustana's sanctuary. Augustana's nursery is available for infants through children age 5. Augustana's Chancel Choir sings most every Sunday, September through May. Livestreaming continues! Our 10:30 a.m. worship is also livestreamed. Visit our worship page for links and details.
We are making fabric-mosaic art together for Easter! Two-hour art-making sessions are Sundays at noon and Tuesdays at 10 a.m. beginning February 9 in Room 6/7 (Fairfax entrance level). No art experience needed! To register, click this link: https://alc2.cls.co/xptp
Augustana’s Music Ministry is open to all individuals wishing to share their voice or instrument in song and praise. All of the musical groups at Augustana focus on providing music for the congregation’s worship services. Children and Youth rehearsals are Sundays before and after the 10:30 service. See the opportunities and schedule for children and…
Augustana Firm Believers Join Karen Terry every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:45–10:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall for strengthening and stretching exercises. For regular participants who commit to one, two, or three days a week, the fee is $5/session (paid at the beginning of the month). For anyone who wants more flexibility, a 10-session class card can be…
We are making fabric-mosaic art together for Easter! Two-hour art-making sessions are Sundays at noon and Tuesdays at 10 a.m. beginning February 9 in Room 6/7 (Fairfax entrance level). No art experience needed! To register, click this link: https://alc2.cls.co/xptp
Augustana Firm Believers Join Karen Terry every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:45–10:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall for strengthening and stretching exercises. For regular participants who commit to one, two, or three days a week, the fee is $5/session (paid at the beginning of the month). For anyone who wants more flexibility, a 10-session class card can be…
Augustana Firm Believers Join Karen Terry every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:45–10:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall for strengthening and stretching exercises. For regular participants who commit to one, two, or three days a week, the fee is $5/session (paid at the beginning of the month). For anyone who wants more flexibility, a 10-session class card can be…
PEAK Support Group Third Saturdays, 9–10 a.m., Augustana’s Anna Paulson Room Family estrangement in general and parental estrangement in particular is being recognized as an emerging public health problem in our society. Roughly 70 million persons over the age of 18 indicate they are estranged from a family member, and one in eight parent-adult child…
Welcome to worship at 8 a.m. in Christ Chapel! Everyone is welcome to Holy Communion.
Augustana’s Music Ministry is open to all individuals wishing to share their voice or instrument in song and praise. All of the musical groups at Augustana focus on providing music for the congregation’s worship services. Children and Youth rehearsals are Sundays before and after the 10:30 service. See the opportunities and schedule for children and…
Sundays, February 9, 16, 23, 9:15–10:15 a.m., Rooms 4–5 We are offering a Discover Augustana Class for folks who either want to learn more about Augustana or are considering joining the congregation. It’s a great chance to get to know some people, too! Classes will be led by the pastors and lay ministry leaders. Please…
Adult Forum Sundays, 9:15 a.m., Anna Paulson Room You are invited to join this Sunday Faith Formation opportunity for adults of all ages. We gather in the Anna Paulson Room at 9:15 a.m. and have a wide variety of discussions and learning September through May. For details on class topics, check out our newest edition…
Faith Formation for Children and Youth Faith Formation begins Sunday, September 17, 2023 9:30–10:15 a.m. Grades PreK–4 will be part of GIFT (Growing in Faith Together) Grades 5–8 will be part of confirmation Grades 9–12 will be in Breakfast Club Find additional details and registration here.
Worship In-Person/Livestream Augustana offers worship with communion every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in Augustana's sanctuary. Augustana's nursery is available for infants through children age 5. Augustana's Chancel Choir sings most every Sunday, September through May. Livestreaming continues! Our 10:30 a.m. worship is also livestreamed. Visit our worship page for links and details.
We are making fabric-mosaic art together for Easter! Two-hour art-making sessions are Sundays at noon and Tuesdays at 10 a.m. beginning February 9 in Room 6/7 (Fairfax entrance level). No art experience needed! To register, click this link: https://alc2.cls.co/xptp
Lunch & Learn: 2024 Augustana Highlights & More Sunday, February 16, noon–1 p.m., Anna Paulson Room Join Roger Lipker (Congregation President), Pastor Caitlin, and Bill Crossen to hear about 2024 ministry highlights, ask questions, and connect with each other. When Augustana chose to go from two congregational meetings a year to one, an informal opportunity…
Augustana’s Music Ministry is open to all individuals wishing to share their voice or instrument in song and praise. All of the musical groups at Augustana focus on providing music for the congregation’s worship services. Children and Youth rehearsals are Sundays before and after the 10:30 service. See the opportunities and schedule for children and…
Augustana Firm Believers Join Karen Terry every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:45–10:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall for strengthening and stretching exercises. For regular participants who commit to one, two, or three days a week, the fee is $5/session (paid at the beginning of the month). For anyone who wants more flexibility, a 10-session class card can be…
Book Group Meet other book lovers in Augustana’s Book Group. You will read and discuss a selected book every month as we alternate between fiction and nonfiction. Books are chosen by the members themselves through monthly nominations. You do not need to read any or all of the selected book to attend and enjoy the…
Valentine's Day Event: Silent Movie "Girl Shy" and Spaghetti Supper Monday, February 17, 4 p.m. Enjoy the silent movie Girl Shy starring Harold Lloyd with improvised organ accompaniment by Andrew Peters. This 80-minute 1924 romantic comedy silent film is perfect for the whole family! Spaghetti supper follows in Fellowship Hall. Tickets are $10 per person…
We are making fabric-mosaic art together for Easter! Two-hour art-making sessions are Sundays at noon and Tuesdays at 10 a.m. beginning February 9 in Room 6/7 (Fairfax entrance level). No art experience needed! To register, click this link: https://alc2.cls.co/xptp
Augustana Firm Believers Join Karen Terry every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:45–10:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall for strengthening and stretching exercises. For regular participants who commit to one, two, or three days a week, the fee is $5/session (paid at the beginning of the month). For anyone who wants more flexibility, a 10-session class card can be…
Women, Wine and Word This Bible study group for women of all ages meets August through May on third Thursdays at 7 p.m. in the Youth Room at Augustana. Contact Augustana’s office at 303-388-4678 or by email for information.
Augustana Firm Believers Join Karen Terry every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:45–10:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall for strengthening and stretching exercises. For regular participants who commit to one, two, or three days a week, the fee is $5/session (paid at the beginning of the month). For anyone who wants more flexibility, a 10-session class card can be…
Welcome to worship at 8 a.m. in Christ Chapel! Everyone is welcome to Holy Communion.
Augustana’s Music Ministry is open to all individuals wishing to share their voice or instrument in song and praise. All of the musical groups at Augustana focus on providing music for the congregation’s worship services. Children and Youth rehearsals are Sundays before and after the 10:30 service. See the opportunities and schedule for children and…
Sundays, February 9, 16, 23, 9:15–10:15 a.m., Rooms 4–5 We are offering a Discover Augustana Class for folks who either want to learn more about Augustana or are considering joining the congregation. It’s a great chance to get to know some people, too! Classes will be led by the pastors and lay ministry leaders. Please…
E4 Monthly Gatherings The mission of E4 is to Enlighten, Encourage, Educate, and Empower individuals and families about mental health in a faith-based community. . . . so that we may be able to console those who are in any affliction with the consolation with which we ourselves are consoled by God. 2 Corinthians 1:4…
Adult Forum Sundays, 9:15 a.m., Anna Paulson Room You are invited to join this Sunday Faith Formation opportunity for adults of all ages. We gather in the Anna Paulson Room at 9:15 a.m. and have a wide variety of discussions and learning September through May. For details on class topics, check out our newest edition…
Faith Formation for Children and Youth Faith Formation begins Sunday, September 17, 2023 9:30–10:15 a.m. Grades PreK–4 will be part of GIFT (Growing in Faith Together) Grades 5–8 will be part of confirmation Grades 9–12 will be in Breakfast Club Find additional details and registration here.
Worship In-Person/Livestream Augustana offers worship with communion every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in Augustana's sanctuary. Augustana's nursery is available for infants through children age 5. Augustana's Chancel Choir sings most every Sunday, September through May. Livestreaming continues! Our 10:30 a.m. worship is also livestreamed. Visit our worship page for links and details.
We are making fabric-mosaic art together for Easter! Two-hour art-making sessions are Sundays at noon and Tuesdays at 10 a.m. beginning February 9 in Room 6/7 (Fairfax entrance level). No art experience needed! To register, click this link: https://alc2.cls.co/xptp
Augustana’s Music Ministry is open to all individuals wishing to share their voice or instrument in song and praise. All of the musical groups at Augustana focus on providing music for the congregation’s worship services. Children and Youth rehearsals are Sundays before and after the 10:30 service. See the opportunities and schedule for children and…
Footcare Clinic Foot care with Colorado Visiting Nurse Association allows patients to receive preventative care and discuss their health with a medical professional. Our nurses build relationships with our foot care clinic patients. These repeat visits let us look at health changes over time, and we can provide referrals for physicians or support systems. To…
Augustana Firm Believers Join Karen Terry every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:45–10:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall for strengthening and stretching exercises. For regular participants who commit to one, two, or three days a week, the fee is $5/session (paid at the beginning of the month). For anyone who wants more flexibility, a 10-session class card can be…
We are making fabric-mosaic art together for Easter! Two-hour art-making sessions are Sundays at noon and Tuesdays at 10 a.m. beginning February 9 in Room 6/7 (Fairfax entrance level). No art experience needed! To register, click this link: https://alc2.cls.co/xptp
Sing with the Augustana Singers on Ash Wednesday Augustana Singers will meet this month to prepare music for the noon Ash Wednesday service (March 5). Rehearsals are Wednesdays, February 19 and 26, 9:15–10:15 a.m. All are welcome to sing! Please reserve a spot ahead of time with Andrew Peters at 303-388-4678 ext. 122 or by…
Augustana Firm Believers Join Karen Terry every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:45–10:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall for strengthening and stretching exercises. For regular participants who commit to one, two, or three days a week, the fee is $5/session (paid at the beginning of the month). For anyone who wants more flexibility, a 10-session class card can be…
Support Group for Caregivers of Loved Ones with Dementia Alzheimer’s Association support groups meet on an ongoing basis and are for family or friends who have a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia. The groups are facilitated by volunteers who are screened, trained, and supervised by the Alzheimer’s Association. These groups are…
Augustana Firm Believers Join Karen Terry every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:45–10:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall for strengthening and stretching exercises. For regular participants who commit to one, two, or three days a week, the fee is $5/session (paid at the beginning of the month). For anyone who wants more flexibility, a 10-session class card can be…