
Augustana’s nursery welcomes infants and toddlers during Sunday morning ministries, 9 a.m.–noon, August through May. The nursery is available free of charge to parents participating in ministries at Augustana.

Augustana’s nursery is always in need of additional volunteer workers for 10:30 a.m. worship. If you could donate a few hours each month caring for infants and toddlers, please contact Augustana’s office at 303-388-4678 or by email.

Advent Adventure: an afternoon of seasonal food, crafts, and music-making!

Sunday, December 8, 2024  |  noon–1:30 p.m.  |  Fellowship Hall

On the second Sunday in Advent, families and friends of Augustana gather in Fellowship Hall for seasonal food, merry-making, and fellowship. Participants sip hot cider, enjoy a light dinner, sample made-on-the-spot lefse, make Advent and Christmas crafts, sing Christmas carols, and hear beloved stories of Christmas.

Folks of all ages enjoy this annual tradition—you will too!

S’more Fun and Worship

Wednesdays  |  June 5, 12, 19, 26 and July 10, 17 24, and 31, 2024

Supper 5:30 p.m.  |  Worship 6 p.m.

Quist Park

Family friendly meal with s’mores and camp-style worship in Augustana’s Quist Park! Pizza or sandwiches will be available for dinner each week. You are encouraged to bring a water bottle and chair or blanket.

Contact Shanna VanderWel at 303-388-4678 ext. 107 or by email.