God’s work. Our hands. on the border
Border Servant Corps is a partner in the Rocky Mountain Synod which serves asylum seekers and refugees at the U.S./Mexico border. Border Servant Corps Volunteers immerse themselves in education and service accompanying asylum seekers and providing support at the Border Servant Corps Hospitality House in Las Cruces. Hospitality is provided in the interim between when asylum seekers in the United States are released from ICE detention and their final assigned sponsoring church or family member location.
Augustana’s Jean and Duane Gall will be making a mission trip to the Border Servant Corps Hospitality House on August 25. In addition to delivering gathered items, they will be working in the Hospitality Center kitchen, playing with children, providing transportation to the bus, and offering love and kindness.
Augustana members and friends may donate items needed at the Hospitality House for those traveling to their new homes after being released from ICE detention. Please note that some of the items need to be travel size due to limited space in backpacks.
Border Servant Staff has placed a priority on these items:
- Chapstick or Vaseline (travel size)
- Nail clippers
- Deodorant (travel size)
- Granola Bars (non-frosted/non-melt)
- Hand sanitizer (travel size)
Other items also needed are:
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste (travel size)
- Combs
- Wipes (travel size)
- Tissues (travel size)
- Refillable water bottles
- Snack crackers with cheese or peanut butter
- Snack pack pudding or applesauce
- Plastic spoons
- Children’s activity or coloring books
- Crayons, colored pencils, small notebooks
Bring your items to labeled collection boxes at Augustana’s sanctuary doors on Sundays, August 4 and 11.
How to give a financial gift
If you want to support this mission, you may also provide a financial donation which will meet these and other special needs such as preemie diapers and special clothing.
Watch for donation envelopes on your Sunday bulletin, make checks payable to Augustana, and indicate “Border Servant Corps Mission” in the memo. You can give a gift online through this link. A Thrivent Project Grant will provide additional support for this mission trip.
We are a church who believes that God is calling us into the world together.
Thank you for your support and prayers!