For 139 years, Augustana has responded to God’s call to live in Christ’s love and share that love with our community and with the world. Generations of people in the Denver area have found a home in our congregation as we worship together, learn from the Scriptures, respond to those in need, and open our doors and our hearts to welcome all people.
Augustana has a long history of supporting the mission of Christ, both inside our walls and outside them. We are known as generous people who gather together and work together to make the world God loves a better place.
As we look to 2018 and beyond, we know that the world we live in and the culture that we are a part of is changing. There are new challenges facing us as a congregation, and new opportunities calling us forward. Together, we want to continue to make the love of Christ known.
During this year’s Stewardship Campaign we are inviting everyone to join together in making a commitment to financially support all of our future ministry. Over the next few weeks, you’ll hear more about exciting ministry expansions that are planned for 2018. You’ll hear how your giving makes a difference in the lives of people and how increased giving will extend the reach of Augustana’s mission.
On October 22, we will celebrate Stewardship Sunday. Everyone will be invited to present financial commitments for 2018 during worship that day.
Please pray about Augustana’s mission and ministry and prayerfully consider what your response will be. Thank you for your partnership in our congregation, and for your Generous Giving.
Pastor Ann