Modifying Our Worship
During this time of heightened attention to practices that minimize the possibility of infection, we will be adapting our worship services in these ways:
- There is no hand-shaking during the Welcome, sharing of Christ’s Peace, or at the door following the service. We do encourage you to greet one another with smiles and words of peace.
- The offering plate will no longer be passed from person to person but will be located in the front of the sanctuary and Christ Chapel. You are encouraged to bring your offering with you as you come forward for Holy Communion. Now is a great time to consider setting up online giving, which you can do here
- Holy Communion at both services will now be offered only while standing, or at standing stations to minimize the number of hands touching the railing. Only small cups will be used; if you have difficulty holding the cup, please ask the server to help you. If you prefer not to receive wine or juice at all, please know that our Lutheran faith teaches that each element is complete and sufficient in itself to communicate God’s grace to us.
- Lastly, it is most helpful during Holy Communion if you would simply place your hand out flat to receive the bread. This also minimizes contact between you and the server.